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Angel Monroe from Clearwater, Florida now residing in Los Angeles started in the arts through dance at the age 4 years old, ultimately winning local competitions solidifying her passion as a creative.
“It just came natural, so I found it interesting”
By the age of 12 she began performing in choir at school, landing massive solos at their school’s performance stadium.
In high school she made lead in her school play “She’s Got The Look”. Over the years she’s had equal talent as an actress and a musical artist. The experience she gained joining her local church band blossomed her musical influences; notably inspired by artists - Bone thugs & harmony, Coolio, Missy Elliot, Mariah Carey and Britney Spears.
At the age of 14 Angel developed the group called the “The Angels”.
“We would skip lunch and ditch, of course with some cookies in hand, to go sit and write music”
Angel joined every club in school: there was, played powder puff flag football, cheered, danced, went to church and was a youth leader, and even got published in academic achievement award books. But little did her parents know music was her only care and focus. That and god. By 16 Angel Monroe had a music manager.
“This was honestly the best part of my youth besides my church trips and talent shows”
Her parents said “music? No way” that didn’t stop her, she kept working two jobs through high school to invest in herself, through her busy schedule, she managed it all.
Once her parents got note of this they put end to it immediately. Capitol Records deal was shot down. Heartbroken Angel threw in the towel was told to quit singing and church band and music all together, even her manager had to go. She just continued acting in school drama class.
“They couldn’t really take my classes away lol” She says.
Walking through the mall Angel got scouted to sign with a modeling agency. They called her mom and her mother declined. After meeting her grandfather an Italian musician from New York, he said he had to face the same struggles and to continue on with modeling and music regardless of her parents, at 8 years old he told her pursue her dreams.
After running away from home Angel signed to BMG models and booked an array of film and television parts. By this time Angel formed another group “Sweet Sensations”, simultaneously becoming an officially published magazine model with publication placements in stores across the US.
After being published , Angel chose to take break from music business and pursue her education full time in acting at a known film school. Angel found a new love for theater alongside film.
In pursuit of a musical opportunity Angel performed at a talent showcase for BMG Records. All actors were asked to do a segment displaying their singing abilities. Rusty as ever Angel did it anyway. The executives chose to laugh until Angel said:
“Don’t make me start rapping”.
From that moment jaw dropped executives said “why are you not doing this professionally?”
Following that event, Angel made headlines at the Billboard Music Awards weekend being coined “Feminem”, a name given based on her rap style. Later Angel met with Will I Am (Black Eyed Peas) and for some reason she never called him. After reconnecting with him later, ironically he recognizes her as “Feminem”, which has since stuck with her fans to present day.
Post the notoriety, Angel Monroe released her single “Gone” which immediately got picked up in the UK and over Europe and was aired on various radio stations. Next Angel took to the road to perform around NYC & Miami. Her single “Gone” was well received on 92.3 FM. Most recently Angel has been hitting the stage doing what she does best. Kushstock 2022 opening for Mike Jones and lil Xan; she is a natural entertainer. Her crew in attendance and her dancers, also Tmz was in attendance.
Angel looked like the dream she only once knew as a dream. Wearing her necklace with her grandfather’s ashes in a music note. Making him proud. As his last words were, “you got this, you will make it just don’t stop.”
After accomplishing her childhood dreams as an artist and performer. Angel plans to continue bringing new music and merchandise to her fans. We will be looking out for you Angel Monroe!