DJ Scream

DJ Scream

What's up? I'm DJ Scream, well known in the city of Atlanta for introducing the world to some of the biggest stars in music. I'm a graduate of...Full Bio


Lebron James Questions Voting Suppression in Georgia

Five States Hold Primaries As Pandemic Continues In America

Today's primary elections in Atlanta have sparked national outrage as voters complained of instances of voter suppression tactics, particularly in predominately black neighborhoods. Voters documented lines that spanned for blocks, broken voting machines, and more.

City of Atlanta Mayor, Keisha Lance-Bottoms, urged voters to stay in line so that their votes count. Many metro-Atlanta polls extended polling hours to combat voting issues.

Lebron James weighed in on the voting issues in Georgia on Twitter. He tweeted, "Everyone talking about “how do we fix this?”  They say “go out and vote?”  What about asking if how we vote is also structurally racist?"

Presidential nominee Joe Biden's campaign commented by saying that the delays and voting machines problems during Georgia's election "are a threat to those values and completely unacceptable."

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